Five reasons why plush toys are good for babies

Five reasons why plush toys are good for babies

The sense of security of babies mostly comes from contact such as hugs from their mothers, touching soft-feeling items. And the touch of the soothing surface can always make babies feel warm and comfortable. No wonder almost every baby has at least one plush toy. In fact, in addition to comforting babies, plush toys also have other benefits.

1. Friends of babies
Plush toys are often considered by babies as friends. With these little playmates, when parents can't accompany their babies for various reasons, the babies won't feel particularly lonely because they will play games with their little friends. When going out to play, many babies are happy to bring their own plush toy. It seems that they are able to have more courage with their plush toys when facing unknown stuff around them.

2. Improving language proficiency
Babies are often inseparable from a plush toy because they consider it as their best friend. Sometimes, babies will also try to talk to the plush toy, making some conversations, and even telling them some of their secrets. In the process of talking with plush toys, babies not only express their emotion and unleash their imagination, but also improve their language proficiency.

3. Enhance kids' responsibility
Many babies will treat their plush toys as their younger siblings and little pets, letting them wear small clothes and shoes, and even prepare toy dishes for them, and sleep with them at night. In this process, the babies play the role of the older one and take responsibility for taking care of the plush toys. Even though it seems naive to the adults, it is the manifestation of the kid's sense of responsibility. Adults should be pleased when the child tries to be the bigger sister or brother.

4. A bridge for better communication between parents and kids
Plush toys are kids' cherished playmates. When parents feel that they can't communicate with their kids, they can indirectly guide them with plush toys. For example, when a kid refuses to sleep, parents can pick up the plush toys that the kid cherishes and tell the kid that "your friend (or the name of the plush toy) is very tired and sleepy and needs some rest." Parents can also use plush toys to make communication with kids more easily and closely, instead of using an imperative tone.

5. Aesthetic training
Don't underestimate babies because of their young age, in fact, they already have a certain aesthetic ability. Choosing a beautiful, textured and characteristic plush toy for your baby will not only upgrade the play experience, but also help to improve your baby's aesthetic level from a young age. Babies can also gain their own unique appreciation and taste from playing.

Notes for buying plush toys
Please note that although plush toys are good for babies, it cannot be purchased arbitrarily or from non-formal sellers. Bad-quality plush toys are poor in material and have a certain negative effect on the skin, which may cause allergies to the baby and even cause fever and other symptoms. In addition, when buying a plush toy, parents should also pay attention to whether the toy has loose threads, and if the plush of the toy is easy to fall, etc. It is recommended to find out whether the formaldehyde exceeds the standard. In addition, after purchasing plush toys, parents should also pay attention to clean and sterilize them in time to erase dust and bacteria. If plush toys are not cleaned frequently, they can easily cause allergies to babies and even cause asthma.
